

Page history last edited by Dr. Nellie Deutsch 8 years, 1 month ago



   Moodle for Teachers  




Moodle4Teachers (M4TEVO17) session will take place on the latest Moodle 3.1. Participants will learn about resources, activities, and blocks available in a Moodle course as students and practice with the role of a teacher and manager. In weeks 4 and 5, they will work collaboratively to design and develop their own Moodle course. Participants will learn to create video tutorials using screencast-o-matic and SlideSpeech. 


Session Objectives


By the end of the workshop learners should be able to:

  • Manage & edit course settings

  • Manage enrollment methods and enroll users

  • Create and edit basic activities, resources, and use blocks 

  • Create video tutorials

  • Collaborate and engage with peers

  • Create a course in a Moodle course area using the tools

  • Receive 5 badges (weekly)  


Target audience


  • Teachers of any subject or age groups
  • Anyone interested in developing and teach online courses for blended and/or fully online learning programs or the flipped classroom 




Weekly Content 



Week 1   (Jan 8-14, 2017)


Introduction and Orientation


Week 1 Introduction to M4TEVO17, Moodle layout and pedagogy, to the participants, and Screencast-o-matic and SlideSpeech video tutorial tools


  • Moodle as a platform designed for authentic learning and pedagogy of engagement.  

  • Interactive discussions as effective course design.

  • Introduction to Screencast-o-matic and SlideSpeech to create video tutorials

  • Learning and Teaching with Moodle

  • Learn to navigate a Moodle course, use the rich editor and record audio and video using PoodLL, navigate and update personal Moodle profile, and post to the online discussion forums.

  • Discuss the meaning of student engagement and brainstorm ideas for collaborative lessons and projects.

  • Choose the format for the course: fully online, blended, or flipped.



Week 2  (Jan 15-21, 2017)


Resources and Activities


In week 2, participants will receive teacher rights, so you can try out the resources and activities available in a Moodle course in theTeacher Practice Area (TPA). 


  • Compare the resources and activities in a Moodle course
  • Discuss the role of a teacher in the classroom and in a Moodle course 
  • Explore Moodle Tools in the Teacher Practice Area (TPA)
  • Document the resources available in the TPA by creating video tutorials using Screencast-o-matic and publishing them on Youtube and/or Vimeo 
  • Document the activities available in the TPA by creating video tutorials using Screencast-o-matic and publishing videos on Youtube and/or Vimeo. 



Week 3   (Jan 22-28, 2017)


Blocks on Moodle


In week 3, participants will receive rights as managers of a Moodle course and work on the blocks. They will practice in the Manager Practice Area (MPA).


  • Teaming up for the collaborative courses
  • Discuss the role of a manager of a school and in a Moodle course
  • Explore Moodle Tools in the Manager Practice Area (MPA)
  • Document the blocks available Moodle MOOC 9 main course area as a student.
  • Document the blocks available in the Manager practice area (MPA) as a manager of the course by showing how add blocks. 
  • Document Exabis e-Porfolio
  • Document Blog Block and adding an external blog



Week 4  (Jan 29-Feb 4, 2017)


Collaborative Course Design


In weeks 4 and 5, participants will work in teams to design a course. They will document the process using screencast-o-matic and publish the recording as a team on Youtube or Vimeo. 


Week 5  (Feb 5-11, 2017)


Showcase and Reflections


In week 5, participants will create videos to document their courses and share them on Padlet.  


Session Communication Tools


Moodle 3.1, WizIQ (integrated in the Moodle course), Jing, screencast-o-matic, SlideSpeech (PowerPoint), Google drive, Youtube, Vimeo, and Padlet


Potential Sponsors





Join this session


The action starts on Jan 8, 2017. 


To join this group:


From January 1st :


  1. Go to: http://moodle4teachers.org/course/view.php?id=88
  2. Log in the first and each time using one of the following: Facebook, Gmail, or LinkedIn 
  3. Enrol in http://moodle4teachers.org/course/view.php?id=88 




Moderators: Fill in the table for all session moderators and co-moderators. You can change or add to the list later. Co-moderators are expected to take part in the training session along with moderators.


Name (last, first)

Email address

Location (country of residence)

Biodata (not more than 50 words)  


Nellie Deutsch



Nellie Deutsch (Ed.D)(see Bio) is an EFL teacher and teacher trainer. She coaches teachers and admin on how to teach with and manage Moodle courses and websites. She's an instructional designer and facilitator of fully online and blended learning programs using Moodle, WizIQ, Adobe Connect, Congrea (on Moodle), ZOOM, Google drive, Sceencast--o-matic, Wikieducator, YouTube, Vimeo, Knovio, and active learning presentation tools that focus on teaching as a way to learn.


Hodgers, Thomas (Tom)



Hello everybody.
My name's Tom Hodgers, and I'll be moderating at the M4T EVO17.
Originally from Liverpool, England. I've been living in Venezuela for the last 39 years.

I'm a Coordinator and Facilitator at Certificate and Diploma level at a local university and have designed and am in the process of teaching bimodal and 100% online classes via Moodle (in Spanish and English) in the area of "Culture and Language" for Japanese, English, Irish and Oriental Philosophy.


I've taken various courses in Moodle over the past few years and am an expert in e-Learning Processes and Digital Media.


Krasikova, Ekaterina


Russian Federation 

Ekaterina is an ELT teacher, a researcher and an associate professor at Non-profit language centre "Language force" in Mikhailovsk, Russia. She is Ph.D. in pedagogic, Fulbright Alumni and has been teaching English as foreign language for more than 15 years. She has worked at North-Caucasus federal university, Stavropol State University and Moscow State Linguistic University. Her field of interest is TESOL, she is an author of 7 books and 40 articles.  











































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