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Call for Participation  


Electronic Village Online (EVO) 2023 ~ In Loving Memory of Vance Stevens 


January 9 - February 12, 2023


Live Kickoff Meeting: Sunday, January 8, 2023 -- Registration required




Subscribe to EVO23 YouTube Playlist 


About EVO


For five weeks in January and February, TESOL experts and participants from around the world engage in collaborative online discussions or hands-on virtual workshops of professional and scholarly benefit. These sessions bring together participants for a longer period of time than is permitted by land-based professional development conventions and allow a fuller development of ideas than is otherwise possible.


Sessions are free and open to anyone around the globe. It is not necessary to be a TESOL or IATEFL member nor to attend the TESOL

Convention in order to participate. All you need is access to the Internet.


We invite you to choose a session from this year's offerings listed below. Please inform your colleagues about this unparalleled professional development opportunity!


Click on the link for the session you want to attend, scroll down to the bottom of the page and find the joining instructions for each session there.  





EVO Communities




Kickoff Meeting


You are invited to the EVO23 kickoff Zoom meeting on January 8, 2023 https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIkc--tqDIqHdB2xCHEUZvo2hF3gGE48Kxx at (Click on the following link to check your timezone) 9 AM EST/2PM UTC.  


 Register in advance for the meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.



Click on the title of a session below to view the complete session description. You will find instructions on how to join the session on that page.






SESSIONS for EVO 2023 -- Share this Call for Participation! 


Important note: Due to the time involved, we very strongly recommend that you sign up for no more than two sessions.


Click on the title link for the session to find out more and learn how to join.

Session description

Session Moderators
(Lead moderators in bold)


Delivering Best Practices in Distance and Blended Courses




According to best practices and quality standards, participants will learn how to design and deliver a distance or blended course site with optimal content and tools. Examples and options will be given and participants will showcase their work.


Christine Bauer-Ramazani

Christine Sabieh
Larisa Olesova
Sue Annan
Jack Watson
Naglaa Salem


Developing Learning Habits

Effective learning habits are essential for school and future careers. Participants of the session will learn about Personal Competency: A Framework for Building Students' Capacity to Learn by and 
develop effective learning habits that engage and motivate students to make good use of their time in and out of class.

Suchita Mahorkar

Sudarshana Shirude

Nileshkumar Panchal

Shilpi Jain

Harshini Lalwani

Nellie Deutsch








This session invites interested teachers to join us in playing Minecraft. Through meaningful play, we will learn all we can about playing Minecraft alone and together. We will learn and understand through play how Minecraft can be used effectively in language learning. We'll learn by doing and from one another.


Jane Chien
Bobbi Stevens

Aaron Schwartz
Robert Remmerswal


Flipped Learning in Language Teaching 2023 


This five-week online workshop is designed for those new to flipped learning and those already flipping their classes in a remote or face-to-face or hybrid environment. In flipped learning, the group learning space is revitalized and turned into a rich environment for students to engage actively and creatively with learning.


Diana K. Salazar

Gabriela Garibotto

Mike Kenteris




Grammar for TESOL
 aims to provide some general theoretical and practical knowledge of grammar as well as some suggested tasks for beginner and experienced TESOL teachers to apply their understanding of that knowledge as they prepare for more interactive grammar lessons


Naglaa Salem

Masahito Watanabe


Immersive Learning Experiences in the Metaverse 




During the 5-week session Immersive Learning Experiences in the Metaverse participants learn to build in virtual worlds and Virtual Reality VR. These experiences are quests, simulations, quizzes, mazes, games or similar in 3D environments such as OpenSim, Frame VR, Mozilla Hubs, Altspace VR. We also learn 3D objects modelling tools. 


Heike Philp

Randall Sadler

Dennis Newson

Barbara McQueen

Helena Galani

Doris Molero

Amany Alkhayat

Georgia Maneta


Language Assessment Literacy for Practitioners 

This session aims at improving language assessment literacy of the participants through exposure to and discussion of key concepts in language assessment as well as production of assessment tasks as the final outcome. LAL will be explored and discussed within a collaborative network of practitioners from diverse educational conte


Ece Sevgi-Sole

Asli Saglam


Language Teacher Agency in the Classrooms 



This session aims to empower language teachers through developing an ecological perspective of agency. Participants will examine the interplay of various factors influencing teacher agency. They will also reflect upon and share different ways of achieving agency and have a chance to implement language teacher agency in their classrooms.


Zhenjie Weng

Grace Kim

Jingyi Zhu


Learner Engagement through Virtual Apps



Engagement is one of the challenges educators face as well as access to tools depending on the varied contexts. Participants will explore different virtual tools to promote engagement virtually and in-person. Participants will leave with ideas on tools and activities to adapt to any context and classroom reality.


Grazzia Mendoza

Mary Allegra

Miguel Carranza

Olenka Villavicencio

Zuleika Zapateiro


Mentoring Teacher-Research 



Resources on classroom-based research are now easily available but how to facilitate teacher-research has been relatively neglected. This EVO session aims to develop a community of teacher-research mentors and to provide guidance to enable mentors and prospective mentors to play what can be a pivotal role in supporting teacher-research.

Seden Eraldemir Tuyan

Ana Garcia Stone

Ruben Mazzei

Mariana Serra

Richard Smith


Mindfulness Awareness Practice 



Mindfulness helps minimize teacher burnout, promotes effective communication with students, and improves classroom climate. Participants will learn about mindfulness and how to develop a mindfulness awareness practice. They will share The session activities include formal and informal mindfulness practice, journal writing with reflections on individual and mindful activities, and discussions.


Nellie Deutsch

Sanja Bozinovic


Moodle for Teachers - Learn to Teach Online  



The goal of the session is to introduce Moodle learning management system for face-to-face, blended (hybrid), and fully online programs. Participants will learn how to teach online using the activities, resources, and blocks available on Moodle to develop their own individual or collaborative online courses.


Nellie Deutsch

Zeynab Moosave

Harshita Kapoor



Teaching EFL to Young Learners 




Hands-on session for teachers of English to Young Learners and Teens from around the world. The session focuses on activities that engage young learners. Teachers will use Flip and Poodll for speaking, limited resource classroom activities, board games, and storybook reading improvisational play activity.



Nellie Deutsch

Judy Wong

Nives Torresi

Sheryl McCoy


Technology for Spoken English



Many English language teachers and their students are unable to speak English fluently and accurately. Technology can facilitate the process by providing practice. This EVO22 session provides the tools to practice and improve spoken English with fluency and accuracy. Participants of Technology for Spoken English (T4SE) will be introduced to various web and mobile technologies to help learners practice speaking skills

Sudarshana Shirude

Sudhakar Katare

Nellie Deutsch


Tools for Student Collaboration





Participants will learn how to engage students in collaborative team-based activities. They will choose debate topics for the content and create tasks using collaborative tools for text, audio, video, images, curation walls, and screen recorders.


Nellie Deutsch

Maria Flouraki




Translanguaging Pedagogies in TESOL



This session provides an introductory workshop to translanguaging pedagogies (TL) for TESOL educators, teachers, administrators, and researchers. Participants will examine the translanguaging pedagogies to implement the strategies in their classroom. They will also develop their own lesson plan or an activity and get feedback from the moderators and other participants.


Grace Kim

Zhenjie Weng

Yizhe Jiang

Yuseva Iswandari


Video Based Mobile Learning 



Participants will learn how to use their smartphones to create videos for peer-based learning in the classroom. They will learn how to  engage students in creating videos on their smartphones for storytelling, video tutorials, and slide presentations. The videos will be created with screen recording apps on smartphones or desktops.


Nellie Deutsch

Sudarshana Shirude











































































































































































































































EVO Information and Updates




Please share the EVO 2023 Call for Participation

with other e-lists and social networks:




The Electronic Village Online Hashtag is:  #evosessions  #EVO23


Subscribe to EVO


EVO is NOT part of the TESOL Certificate: Developing an Online Teaching Program. 

 For information about this Certificate program, please contact TESOL at 

TESOL Professional Learning


 visit their Website at the TESOL Homepage >  Attend & Learn 

EVO is a Project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section



EVO2023 Number of Page Views 



During the 5-week EVO session ‘Immersive Learning Experiences in the Metaverse’ participants learn to build in virtual worlds and Virtual Reality VR. These experiences are quests, simulations, quizzes, mazes, games or similar in 3D environments such as OpenSim, Frame VR, Mozilla Hubs, AltspaceVR. We also learn 3D objects modelling tools.

During the 5-week EVO session ‘Immersive Learning Experiences in the Metaverse’ participants learn to build in virtual worlds and Virtual Reality VR. These experiences are quests, simulations, quizzes, mazes, games or similar in 3D environments such as OpenSim, Frame VR, Mozilla Hubs, AltspaceVR. We also learn 3D objects modelling tools.

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