
Multiliteracies 2011

Page history last edited by ElizabethHS 14 years, 1 month ago

Return to the EVO Call for Participation




Multiliteracies for social networking and collaborative learning environments


Session Description




A multiliterate teacher understands the many ways that technology interacts and intertwines with academic and interpersonal life, and actively learns how to gain control over those aspects impacting teaching, social, and professional development. Multiliterate individuals are aware of the pitfalls inherent in technology while striving for empowerment through effective strategies for first discerning and then taking advantage of those aspects of changing technologies most appropriate to their situations. These strategies include identifying, accessing, aggregating, processing, and analyzing a constant influx of information, filtering what is useful, and then enhancing the learning environment with the most appropriate applications.


Target audience and group sponsor


Teachers and other educators seeking to maximize potential benefits of working within distributed learning networks to increase their opportunities for learning from peers of whatever knowledge they wish to acquire. For the purposes of this course, that knowledge focused on what would be the tools and mechanisms for promoting the dissemination of knowledge through such socially driven learning networks. The strategies and heuristics modeled in using the tools would be applicable to whatever content the teachers needed to work with, be it applicable to language learning, some other content area, or project management at the administrative level.


Sponsoring TESOL Entity



Session objectives


  • participants will discuss the notion of multiliteracies as a supplement to traditional literacy pedagogy.   


  • encourage language educators to make paradigm shifts in rethinking their learning environments and enhance their skills in improving and even transforming how they engage and connect with learners.


  • learn to apply to latest technology skills to engage students in their learning language practice.



Weekly Outline


The weekly topics are taken from the chapters in Mark Pegrum's book From Blogs to Bombshttp://www.newsouthbooks.com.au/isbn/9781921401343.htm,  The book will be available in ebook format at nominal cost ($10 est.) and will be optional reading for participants. It will be reviewed by Vance Stevens for those who don't have copies.  The author will be joining us at critical junctures during this session to discuss its content with participants with respect to implications for language teaching.


For each week of the course a synchronous discussion will be scheduled.  After acceptance of the session speakers will be engaged to interact with the group (a similar program to that last year, click here to see). 


For more detailed information, click on the links for each week:


Week 1  (Jan 11 - 16, 2011)


What is/are multiliteracies?  and Many clouds: A technological lens


During the first week of the course, participants will register at and familiarize themselves with the course websites (wiki, Ning, and Yahoo!Group) and will begin to get to know one another through self-introductions and sharing of prior knowledge.  They will read, watch, and comment on some seminal materials and consider Pegrum’s framework of a variety of lenses through which to view the phenomenon of multiliteracies.  Participants will be encouraged and assisted this first week in tracking their learning during the course on a wiki or blog (either an ongoing one or one they create on the Ning). 


Participants will use tagging, RSS, folksonomies, and aggregation to gather, organize, and share relevant information among themselves, as well as with other EVO sessions.   They will read and comment on Pegrum’s chapter,  “Many Clouds: A Technological Lens”.  There will be practical exercises to help participants better understand how tagging works through experimentation.



Week 2  (Jan 17 - 23, 2011)


   Many literacies: A pedagogical lens


During this week, participants will consider possible applications of microblogging, podcasting, and ePortfolios in language teaching and will work together to compile an annotated blogroll of interesting educational blogs.  They will create a framework for an ePortfolio. 



Week 3    (Jan 24 - Jan 30, 2011)


 Many selves: A social lens


During this week, participants will continue to develop their ePortfolios through the addition of digital storytelling and  a smorgasbord of other tools, including podcasts and other tools for sharing audio and text.



Week 4     (Jan 30 - Feb 06, 2011)


Many stories: A sociopolitical lens


During this week, participants will consider if and when one might want to bypass institutional authority to  give one’s students what they need (introduction to Edupunk).  They will continue to build their ePortfolio while identifying the most useful tools for their own situation.  They can reflect on the course and address issues that have come up in the context of Pegrum’s different lenses.  They will be encouraged to share their developing ePortfolios in synchronous or asynchronous meetings, and together we will consider  some predictions for the future of the Internet.




Week 5     (Feb 07 -13, 2011)

Many baas & ^^^^: An ecological lens 


Participants will reflect on the course and address issues that have come up in the context of Pegrum’s different lenses.  They will be encouraged to share their developing ePortfolios in synchronous or asynchronous meetings, and together we will consider  some predictions for the future of the Internet.



Communication Tools to be Used
















... and more




Google docs



Google Notebook







  • Dennis Oliver - is a former ESL and Developmental English teacher now living in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A. He's been professionally involved with ESL for a long, long time (since the early 1970s!) and has worked in the U.S. states of Illinois, Oklahoma, Texas, California, and Oregon, as well as in Arizona. He taught ESL in Illinois at Southern Illinois University's IEP during graduate school and, later, at ELS Language Centers in Oklahoma and Texas. In California, he was a curriculum developer, teacher trainer, and textbook editor for ELS, and in Oregon, he worked for a well-known textbook author, Edwin T. Cornelius, Jr., as an editor and writer. He returned to teaching when he moved from Oregon to Arizona in 1990, working first, in the Phoenix area, at a now-defunct international boarding facility, Judson School, then at the IEP at Arizona State University, and finally at Estrella Mountain Community College. This year, he'll be helping with Multiliteracies and Digital Storytelling and possibly with one more EVO 2011 seminar.
    Skype: dennis-oliver          YG: doliver_phoenix          e-mail: dennis dot oliver at cox dot net               websites: http://www.d-oliver.net, http//www.az-tesol.org 


  • Nelba Quintana - is from  La Plata, Argentina. She has co-moderated sessions in BaW in 2007 and 2008, and Multiliteracies in 2009. Since her first experience in EVO, Nelba has been working as blog and wiki content designer and teacher trainer in the use of IT  at the School of Languages (National University of La Plata, Argentina) and the Institute of Argentinean-British Culture (ICAB). In 2008, she was awarded a Scholarship to attend WorldCALL Using Technologies for Language Learning, 3rd International Conference in Fukuoka, Japan.  She is a Webhead member and vice-president of ARCALL Argentine Computer Assisted Language Learning. 
    Second Life:  Nelba Aeon
                    Email :  nelbaq@yahoo.com.ar        Skype ID : nelbaq           Twitter: nelbaquintana

 Nelba Quintana

Blog:  http://englishvirtualcommunity.blogspot.com


  • Jennifer Verschooris a freelance teacher trainer and an educational consultant in teaching young learners and Business English with web based technologies. Currently she is working as the ICT English coordinator at a Bilingual School in Buenos Aires. She has been an EVO moderator since 2006. She is an Essarp course facilitator, specialised in Technology integration in the classroom. Her emphasis in training teachers to integrate technology into the classroom started several years ago. She has been involved in many online projects and presented at online and international conferences in Argentina, Japan, France and Germany. She was awarded with the scholarship to attend WorldCall in Fukuoka, Japan. and obtained a scholarship. She is a proud Webhead and President of Arcall Argentine Computer Assisted Language Learning. To learn more about her online activities please visit her blog http://jenverschoor.wordpress.com/



  • Vance Stevens teaches computing at Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi. After 20 years as lecturer in English language, doubling as CALL specialist and coordinator, he worked 2 years in ESL software development in California, then returned to the Middle East as educational technology consultant and CALL coordinator for a language institute in Abu Dhabi. There he founded the online community Webheads, http://webheads.info, resulting in involvement in many community-based online professional development endeavors which have formed the basis of his professional development life this past decade. There's more about Vance at http://www.vancestevens.com/vance.htm, and he blogs at http://adVancEducation.blogspot.com.



Vance Stevens

Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE





Join this session 



To join this group:



From January 3 to 9:
  1. Go to: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/multilit/


  2. Click on the blue button:  (This is just an image). The real button is on the Yahoo Group. If you don´t have a Yahoo ID, you will be prompted to create one (it is free).


  3. Follow the instructions





Note: When you register for the group, you will have to be approved by the moderator. In order to reduce the possibility of "unwanted" members (such as spammers), please be sure to explain who you are and why you want to enroll in the session. This message will only be seen by the session moderator.



The Electronic Village Online is a project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section.




Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, an international education association



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