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Electronic Village Online
The CALL Interest Section is proud to announce its new online sessions, made possible by an Interest Section Special Project Grant. If you can’t come to the conference, now the conference can come to you--before and during the TESOL Convention (with TESOL DISCUSS), and after TESOL (with TESOL FOLLOW-UP)!
TESOL DISCUSS: February 12 - March 9
This session follows along with the TESOL conference and some of the discussions are held in conjunction with Interest Section Academic Sessions, InterSection Sessions, or Strands. TESOL DISCUSS starts two weeks before the conference and continues for one week after the conference.
The following sessions will be offered
Professional development in Adult ESL -- Adult Education Interest Section (AEIS)--Moderator: Tommy B. McDonell
Teaching Academic English to Engineering Students --English for Specific Purposes Interest Section (ESP)--Moderator: Yuefang Cheng
Business Writing -- English for Specific Purposes Interest Section (ESP)--Moderator: Laurel Reinking
Native Speaking Teachers versus Non native Speaking Teachers Abroad -- Non Native English Speaking Teachers (NNEST) with English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Interest Section--Moderator: JoAnn Miller
Stress and Intonation -- Speech/Pronunciation (SPR) Interest Section--Moderator: Sandra Browne
TESOL FOLLOW-UP: March 7 - 31
This discussion forum will go online immediately following TESOL 2001 and features the following sessions:
International students and NNE master's students in MA-TESOL programs in the US--co-sponsored by the TE-IS and the NNNEST Caucus--Moderator: Elza M. Major
Academic Assistance for ESL Writers --Teacher Education (TE) and ESL in Higher Education (HE) Interest Sections--Moderator: Lynne Diaz-Rico
Writing for Multimedia -- Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Interest Section--Moderator: Marianne Phinney
To self-register for these online sessions, visit http://www.blackboard.com/ between February 1 and March 6. Enter "EV2001" in the left-hand side, in the slot labeled "Find a course" and click "Go." Then select the course(s) that you wish to participate in, click Enroll in Course and fill in the requested information. Type showme (one word, no caps) as the access code.
The EV ONLINE team
Christine Bauer-Ramazani (cbauer-ramazani@smcvt.edu)
Susan Gaer (sgaer@yahoo.com).
Thomas Robb (trobb@cc.kyoto-su.ac.jp)
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