Sessions |
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Brief Description |
Becoming a Webhead 2012
Sponsored by TESOL CALL IS
Teresa Almeida d'Eça,
Fernanda Rodrígues Larissa Olesova
Webheads in Action is a long-standing community of practice of language teachers worldwide, coordinated by Vance Stevens. In the Becoming a Webhead workshop, which is an introduction to Webheads in Action, we explore Web communication tools and share the best ways of using them in our teaching practices, engage with students in virtual classes, collaborate in projects, and participate in conferences as audience and presenters. This collaboration takes place online, as we are all geographically apart. Would you like to join us?
TESOL-Drama Workshop: Implementing and Evaluating the Facilitation of English Language learning through Drama
Sponsored by the TESOL Drama E-group
Gary Carkin
Nigel Caplan
Shin-Mei Kao
Susan Hillyard
Leslie Sapp
Fernanda Molla
Holly Dilatush
TESOL-Drama is an eight-year-old community of language/drama practitioners world-wide, coordinated by Gary Carkin and co-moderated by Nigel Caplan, Shin-Mei Kao, Susan Hillyard, Leslie Sapp, Fernanda Molla, Jessica Davis, Holly Dilatush and others. In the TESOL-Drama Workshop, we will explore best practices for integrating the teaching of language through drama, effective uses of drama-based techniques, and methods of assessing the language learned as a result. We collaborate online, ask and answer questions related to teaching and assessing English through drama, and encourage the use of drama-based activities in language teaching.
Digital Storytelling for Young Learners

Shelly Terrell Özge Karaoglu Barbara Sakamoto Esra Girgin Jennifer Verschoor
David Dodgson Michelle Worgan
Sabrina de Vita
How do we encourage young learners to use the English they learn in a meaningful context? Children can have access to various online creation and publication tools to share stories. Participants will explore various applications that motivate learners to share stories through comic creation tools, free Web 2.0 tools, mobile devices, and more.
Digital Tools with Purpose in the Classroom
Sponsored by Brazil TESOL
Ana Maria Menezes
Carla Arena
Cheryl Oakes
Erika Cruvinel
Jane Petring
Kathy Epps
Mary Hillis
Nina Lyiulkun
Saša Sirk
Interested in learning about new web tools for your classroom? Come and learn about digital tools with purpose.
Be part of an international group of educators who are always looking to share best practices from their classrooms. How can you help learners develop 21st century multiliteracy skills through active learning enhanced by the right tools for your specific pedagogical needs?
In this five-week online workshop offered through the Electronic Village Online, participants will be introduced to various online tools and will learn how to effectively incorporate these resources into their teaching practices. By the end of the workshop, participants will have had an overview of simple ways to spice up their lesson plans to promote students' creativity, engagement and learning. We promise it will be madly fun!
PLEs and PLNs for Lifelong Learning

Susan Burg
Daniela Cuccurullo
Letizia Cinganotto
In recent years, there has been a new array of learning management systems (LMS). Tools such as blogs, wikis, screencasting, and social bookmarking have created a significant shift in the educational experience. Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) enable learners to have greater control over their own learning experience. This session will take a look at the current situation by clarifying the concepts of personal learning environments and networks (PLNs). Participants will create their own PLE or PLN and select which Web 2.0 tools they want to support it, as the 5-week session evolves. We will use a wiki and a Moodle for sharing information and facilitating interactions.
Teaching and Language Learning Through Gamification
Sponsored by the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG
Paul Braddock Graham Stanley
Jeff Kuhn
Teaching and Language Learning through Gamification (TLLG) aims to give educators the opportunity to investigate the potential of gamification of language learning and teacher development. Gamification is the application of gaming concepts to non-game experiences.
We will be covering:
- looking at specific examples and contexts where gamification has been or can be used;
- using games inside and outside of the language classroom;
- engaging in professional development through play.
We also hope the session will lead to the forming of a community of educators interested in language learning and gaming to share experiences and ideas for continued development.
Multiliteracies for Social Networking and Collaborative Learning Environments

Sponsored by TESOL CALL-IS
Vance Stevens
Kalyan Chattopadhyay
A multiliterate teacher constantly strives to understand the many ways that technology interacts and intertwines with academic and interpersonal life, and actively learns how to gain control over those aspects impacting teaching, social, and professional development. Multiliterate individuals are aware of the pitfalls inherent in technology while striving for empowerment through effective strategies for first discerning and then taking advantage of those aspects of changing technologies most appropriate to their situations. These strategies include identifying, accessing, aggregating, processing, and analyzing a constant influx of information, filtering what is useful, and then enhancing the learning environment with the most appropriate applications. The multiliteracies session achieves these objectives through heuristics for learning and ‘knowing knowledge’ inherent in the paradigm of massive or miniscule open online courses (MOOCs) with documentation of learning demonstrated through development of Me-Portfolios. |
Video Productions of Language Learning Conversations
Sponsored by TESOL VDMIS
Randall Sadler
Doris Molero
Heike Philp
Edith Paillat
Marius Madrigal
Dennis Newson
Carol Rainbow
Marisa Constantinides
MachinEVO is all about producing films of language learning conversations undertaken in Second Life. A film of Second Life (SL) is called a machinima and it is derived from a combination of machine and cinema. Essentially it means recording the screen of the application Second Life. A major advantage of creating films in Second Life is that they are lean productions and these recordings of real live conversations go way beyond creating podcasts, because the avatarians may be located in culturally rich environments such as Berlin of the 20s or 1900 Paris, and they may be able to personify actors who live a life in SL.
In this EVO session we will learn how to create machinimas and the technical skills of film productions as well as post-production until the video has been uploaded onto youtube or other video hosting sites.
Teaching English to Young Learners and Teens

Dennis Newson
Helen Davies
ffinlo Kilner
The IATEFL Young Learners and Teenagers Special Interest group (YLTSIG) is really pleased to invite you to join its EVO session for 2012. Over the five-week session, we invite you to join us in one of the best virtual staffrooms online.
YLTSIG members, all well-known dynamic members of the English Language Learning Community, will be joining us to share their particular expertise on a wide variety of subjects. Participants will be able to discuss and share experiences, ideas, thoughts through the regular online meetings: special needs, difficult pupils, games and language aims, very young learners, technology for teens... ... all just part of the programme.
Developing our Mentoring Skills

Valerie Jakar
Laura Stountenburg
Marina Gonzalez
Mentoring is a 6 year-old community of practice of teacher educators worldwide. We have been offering workshops consistently on different issues related to Mentoring and this year we want to delve into a more personal aspect of it: developing one’s own mentoring skills. We will share, show and discuss the skills in webinars with our expert members. Would you like to join us?
MOODLE for Teachers

Nellie Deutsch
Ludmila Smirnova
Moodle for Teachers (M4T) online workshop will take place on a Moodle website called Integrating Technology for Active Lifelong Learning (IT4ALL). The aim of the M4T workshop is to provide participants, who have never used Moodle or who would like to enrich their previous Moodle experiences, with the knowledge and skills to navigate a Moodle course, access resources and activities from a student perspective, and practice the same resources and activities in the team and class sandboxes as teachers. The participants will collaborate as they develop a lesson on the Moodle.
Podcasting for the EFL/ESL Classroom

Sponsored by TESOL VDMIS
Evelyn Izquierdo
Miguel Mendoza
José Rodríguez
Teadira Pérez
In recent years, podcasting has become one of the most powerful asynchronous Web 2.0 tools in our classrooms. It’s enormous educational potential allows teachers to use it as a simple resource to support activities within the classroom and to create audio recordings of happenings in their schools. This workshop aims at providing basic proficiency related to the production and publishing of digital media files (podcasts) and its implementation in the language classroom to enhance communication in speaking and listening skills.
Social Networking: Making it Work for You and Your Students!

Sponsored by TESOL Intercultural Communication IS
Alyssa Ruesch Marlene Johnshoy
In this session, participants will increase their knowledge of social networking and Web 2.0 applications for both professional development and to encourage student participation and collaboration. Participants will actively collaborate with their course colleagues on a daily basis as we explore, discuss, reflect, and then create activities with different sets of social networking tools each week.This session intends to foster a reflection process on the integration of virtual and physical classrooms through the use of different technological tools and strategies that will give participants some ideas on how to deal with such integration.
Tutoring with Web 2.0 Tools - Designing for Social Presence

Mirjam Hauck Sylvia Warnecke
This 5-week programme trains for effective learner-centred online moderation focusing on the role/impact of social presence. The programme is open to practitioners from all subject areas. During each week, you work on 3 activities, which should take no more than 2.5 hours altogether. In each activity you are encouraged to engage with theoretical input, draw on your own experiences and make connections to your current or future teaching practice.
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