

Page history last edited by Carla Arena 13 years ago

Digital Storytelling for Young Learners





Session Outline




How do we encourage young learners to use the English they learn in a meaningful context? Children can have access to various online creation and publication tools to share stories. Participants will explore various applications that motivate learners to share stories through comic creation tools, free Web 2.0 tools, mobile devices, and more.


Target Audience

Young Learners e-teachers and those interested in fostering creativity and imagination for children through digital storytelling.


Interest Section Sponsors

 TESOL CALL-IS IATEFL Young Learners & Teens SIG, JALT Teaching Children SIG and ARCALL (Argentine Computer Assisted Language Learning)




Weekly Outline


By the end of this workshop, participants will have


  • created digital stories using different web tools
  • explored different ways in which digital storytelling can be integrated into teaching YLs
  • connected with other YL educators worldwide
  • had hands-on experience using digital/online/mobile tools to motivate their YLs to create and publish stories
  • developed materials, guidelines, and checklists to help their YLs craft and publish their digital stories
  • learned about Creative Commons Licensing and sites to access music and images for digital stories
  • experienced the process of creating and publishing digital stories which includes storyboarding
  • evaluated various publishing formats for digital storytelling including comics, videos, and interactive formats
  • discovered how to motivate YLs to improve their speaking, writing, reading, and listening skills through digital storytelling
  • collected a library of free websites, tools, and resources to use in their YL classes
  • engaged in discussions about the best ways to integrate technology effectively into the YL curriculum
  • participated in various archived webinars with YL authors and experts



Week 1  (Jan 9 - 15, 2012)


During the first week of the course, participants will


  • become familiar with the group tools and forums
  • introduce themselves and begin to establish connections with each other
  • discuss the use of digital storytelling in class
  • learn to create and define a copyright for their creative works
  • learn about online safety and privacy concerns when working with young learners
  • set-up profiles in the Posterous Group
  • join and participate in the Wiki and Yahoo Groups



Week 2  (Jan 16 - 22, 2012)


During this week, participants will


  • become familiar with web tools to create comics with young learners.
  • learn how to create comic stories with these tools.
  • reflect on the use of comics in the classroom
  • explore ways to integrate comics in their classroom in ways that improve *reading and writing skills of learners
  • create a comic using one of the tools from this week


Week 3 (Jan 23 - Jan 29, 2012)


During this week, participants will


  • become familiar with web tools to create video stories with YLs
  • learn how to create video stories with animation tools
  • learn how to produce video stories including pictures, audio, music, transitions, subtitles, effects and animations
  • explore ways to integrate video stories in lessons that boost writing and speaking skills of the learners
  • create a personal narrative or a documentary video story choosing one of the tools



Week 4 (Jan 30- Feb 05, 2012)


During this week participants will


  • gain a background knowledge of the effective integration of mobile devices for YLs
  • participate in a webinar with experts in the field of using mobile devices with YLs
  • learn about the BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) movement in order to equip their classes with mobile devices
  • become familiar with various free apps that support YL digital storytelling on IOS/Android devices
  • explore ways to assess digital stories on mobile devices
  • develop the framework of a mobile digital story lesson plan with rubrics, guidelines, and storyboards
  • create a digital story with a mobile device
  • explore student examples of digital stories on mobile devices
  • leave with a free e-book that will support them in the effective integration of mobile devices in YL classes
  • collect various resources, links, and materials related to mobile digital storytelling


Week 5 (Feb 06 -12, 2012)



During this week, participants will


  • be introduced to collaborative web 2.0 tools that can be used for story-telling
  • learn how to use a variety of collaborative tools for both writing stories and narrating stories with audio
  • look at ways such tools can be used to enhance regular lessons
  • participate in and contribute to the development of different stories using the tools demonstrated
  • discover forums for connecting with YL teachers worldwide to create collaborative stories
  • share and discuss their own ideas for developing stories digitally
  • consider the teacher’s role in a collaborative story and how it should be guided and/or moderated
  • complete an online evaluation about their experience taking this course


Join this session


Sign up for the session starts on Jan 2nd, 2012 .


The action starts on Jan 9, 2012.


To join this group:


From January 2 to 8:


  1. Go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/DigitalStorytelling4Kids/
  2. Request to join the Group
  3. Wait for approval 



When you register for the group, you will have to be approved by the moderator in order to reduce the possibility of "unwanted" members (such as spammers) 




Shelly Terrell <ShellyTerrell@gmail.com>

Shelly Terrell is a teacher trainer, author, and international speaker specializing in the effective use of technologies for professional development and to support language learners.


Özge Karaoğlu <ozge_karaoglu@hotmail.com>

Özge Karaoğlu is an EFL teacher, author and teacher trainer in teaching young/very young learners and teaching with web based technologies.


Barbara Sakamoto <barbsaka@gmail.com>

Barbara is an EFL teacher, teacher trainer and author based in Japan. She is always looking for ways to include technology in low-tech teaching environments.


Esra Girgin <esragirgin@hotmail.com>

Esra is an EFL teacher and a teacher trainer in Istanbul, Turkey. She has been teaching English to young and very young learners for 10 years and is interested in using web technologies in language teaching.


David Dodgson <dave.dodgson@gmail.com>

David is a primary school EFL teacher in Ankara, Turkey. He is interested in the use of technology for both learner and teacher development.


Jennifer Verschoor <jenverschoor@gmail.com>

Jennifer Verschooris a freelance teacher trainer and an educational consultant in teaching young learners and Business English with web based technologies.She is a proud Webhead and President of Arcall Argentine Computer Assisted Language Learning. To learn more about her online activities please visit her blog http://jenverschoor.wordpress.com/

Michelle Worgan <michelleworgan@gmail.com>

Michelle Worgan is an EFL teacher based in Spain. She specializes in teaching and creating materials for young learners and she enjoys implementing web 2.0 tools into her lessons.



Communication Media Used



The Electronic Village Online is a project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section



Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, an international education association



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