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Tutoring 2012

Page history last edited by Carla Arena 12 years, 8 months ago

Tutoring with Web 2.0 Tools - Designing for Social Presence 





This 5-week programme trains for effective learner-centred online moderation focusing on the role/impact of social presence. The programme is open to practitioners from all subject areas. During each week, you work on 3 activities, which should take no more than 2.5 hours altogether. In each activity you are encouraged to engage with theoretical input, draw on your own experiences and make connections to your current or future teaching practice.


Target Audience

  • on-line tutors
  • moderators
  • teacher trainers


Interest Section and Association Sponsors





Weekly Outline


By the end of this training programme, participants will have:

  • Experienced forum moderation from a facilitator’s and a participant’s point of view
  • Explored netiquette rules
  • Discussed aspects of the creation and presentation of self/identity online
  • Discovered what drives communication in different online groups
  • Defined their understanding of ‘participation’ in an online group
  • Considered aspects of motivation in online groups
  • Established a set of facilitation guidelines with regard to different forms of online moderation
  • Discussed task and assessment design for language learning and teaching based on computer mediated communication (CMC)
  • Developed the e-literacy skills needed to draw maximum benefit from the potential for learning and teaching offered by Web 2.0 applications



Week 1  (Jan 9 - 15, 2012)


During the first week of the course, you will:

  • introduce yourself and meet the group
  • edit your profile in the online platform and think about the impact of profile content
  • share an icebreaker idea for asynchronous CMC in a forum



Week 2 (Jan 16 - 22, 2012)


During the second week, you will:

  • reflect on your own patterns of participation in online groups and the explanation for these patterns
  • define ‘participation’ in online contexts and work with Salmon’s (2002) suggested patterns
  • explore the question of ‘motivation’ in online groups and establish a set of guidelines to

          a. get learners to join 
          b. keep the momentum going


Week 3 (Jan 23 - Jan 29, 2012)


During the third week, you will:

  • explore attitudes to working in forums both as facilitator and/or participant: Forums... love them or loathe them?
  • discover the various purposes of different types of online groups and
  • reflect on your own activities as facilitators in different types of forums they either will or are already using in their work



Week 4  (Jan 30- Feb 05, 2012)


During the fourth week you will:

  • discuss approaches to dealing with difficult messages and explore netiquette rules in general and in relation of their own work/educational institutions
  • deal with different suggestions for task design in online and blended language learning and teaching contexts in relation to aspects of social presence
  • consider what could be assessed best through asynchronous online communication as well as the design of assessment tasks


Week 5     (Feb 06 -12, 2012)


During the fifth and final week you will:

  • discuss other forms of synchronous/asynchronous online moderation
  • explore how moderating a wiki works while writing a set of guidelines for online moderation in a wiki
  • fill in a de-briefing questionnaire in survey monkey and take part in a synchronous de-briefing session in either Elluminate or Big Blue Button


Join this session


Sign up for the session starts on Jan 2nd, 2012 .


The action starts on Jan 9, 2012.


To join this group:


From January 2 to 8:


  1. Go to: our Moodle VLE, Click - ICT training for language teachers, located at the University of Dresden: http://moodle.click-lounge.eu
  2. Please have a look at the new screenr video we produced which gives detailed instructions about how to log on and find the course: http://screenr.com/LD5s
  3. The direct course link for access once you have created a new account, is: http://moodle.click-lounge.eu/course/view.php?id=137





When you register for the group, you will have to be approved by the moderator in order to reduce the possibility of "unwanted" members (such as spammers).




Mirjam Hauck is a Senior Lecturer and Associate Head of the Department of Languages (Faculty of Education and Language Studies) at the Open University/UK. She has written numerous articles and book chapters on the use of technologies for the learning and teaching of languages and cultures covering aspects such as task design, tutor role and training, the affordances of the new media, and e-literacy skills. Apart from regular presentations and invited contributions to conferences, seminars and workshops in Europe and the USA, she serves on the American Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium’s (CALICO) executive board and the European Association of Computer Assisted Language Learning’s (EUROCALL) executive committee. She also chairs the EUROCALL Teacher Education Special Interest Group. She is the co-editor of the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-learning (EURODL) and a member of the editorial board of CALL and ReCALL. Her current research and publications explore the impact of mediation and the relevance of multimodal communicative competence for the development of intercultural communicative competence in online environments, particularly in the context of telecollaborative exchanges.  m.hauck@open.ac.uk


Sylvia Warnecke is an Associate Lecturer at the Department of Languages (Faculty of Education and Language Studies) of the Open University/UK and Course Director at the Goethe Institute Glasgow/UK. She has extensive experience as a tutor, course designer and auditor in the field of online learning in distance and blended learning contexts. She has trained numerous teachers from a wide range of subject areas and international higher education institutions in the pedagogy of tuition and facilitation of learning online. In 2011 she was appointed as auditor of all virtual-learning environment-based courses produced at the 150 Goethe Institutes worldwide. Moreover, she designs blended learning concepts and courses for the main German publisher of language learning and teaching materials,

Hueber. She has undertaken research, presented papers and published articles and book chapters on matters of synchronous vs. asynchronous online facilitation, identity, participation, task design, tutor role and training in connection with the use of technologies for the learning and teaching of languages and cultures. Her current research and publications explore the role of social presence as a central driving force for successful computer supported collaborative learning and teaching.  s.warnecke@open.ac.uk




Communication Media Used


  • Moodle and all tools available on the latest version of the platform;
  • Elluminate (alternatively "Big Blue Button")
  • wiki platform
  • SurveyMonkey



The Electronic Village Online is a project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section


                                        Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, an international education association



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