January 13th 2012 - February 16th 2012
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In this discussion-based session, participants will have the opportunity to explore the issues facing schools and universities where non-native and native speakers of English work together to create instructional excellence. What roles do non-native and native speakers play in these schools and universities? How can we work together effectively to teach well and to learn from each other? Participants will engage in asynchronous and synchronous discussions. Each week we will have experts and renowned researchers in the field to share with us new insights, knowledge, and practical professional development strategies that we can use to help us achieve professional growth. By the end of the session, participants will be encouraged to reflect on key issues that have been discussed and will look at future directions for TESOL NNEST-IS.
Target Audience
Graduate students or teachers in TESOL or Applied Linguistics, EFL/ESL instructors, and English language school administrators interested in learning more about NNEST issues. This session is open to any individual regardless of his/her language nativeness.
Interest Section Sponsors
TESOL: Computer-Assisted Language Learning IS, Non-Native English Speakers in TESOL IS
Weekly Outline
By the end of this workshop, participants will have
- engaged in asynchronous and synchronous discussions with leaders and experts in the field on various topics- from becoming successful language educators to navigating professional challenges and growth.
- reflected on key issues involved in enhancing their professional development.
- used voice/video conference for weekly synchronous meetings with guest speakers
Week 1 (Jan 13 - 19, 2014)
Moderators: NNEST-EVO Team
During the first week of the course, participants will
- join the group online meeting place
- exchange introductions and become familiar with the group environments (Google+ or YG)
- read selected articles on the assigned topic
- participate in a synchronous and asynchronous online discussion on NNEST TESOL Interest Section and NNEST movement ie contextual opportunities and challenges in NNEST issues
Guest Speaker: Ali Fuad Selvi, Ph.D.
Topic: NNEST movement ie contextual opportunities and challenges in NNEST issues
Week 2 (Jan 20 - 26, 2014)
Moderators: Geeta & Liz
During this week, participants will
- read selected articles on the assigned topic
- participate in a synchronous and asynchronous online discussion on taking on leadership roles in regional and international professional organizations, and the effective collaboration between NESTs and NNESTs
Guest Speaker: Yilin Sun, Ph.D. (TESOL President)
Getting involved in Leadership Roles in Regional and International Professional Organizations - a Non-native English Speaker's Perspective
As a long time NNEST member of TESOL and currently President-elect of TESOL, the speaker will discuss challenges, strategies, advantages, and successes of assuming leadership roles in professional and scholarly associations such as TESOL Based on her background as a non-native English Speaking educator and her cross-cultural teaching, research and professional development experience in China, Canada and the United States, the speaker will also address the roles and responsibilities of non-native English speaking ELT professionals in our changing global society.
Week 3 (Jan 27 - Feb 2, 2014)
Moderators: Katya & Bedrettin
During this week, participants will
- read selected articles on the assigned topic
- participate in a synchronous and asynchronous online discussion on NNEST mentoring practices and
Invited guest speaker: Valerie Jakar, Ph.D.
Topic: the NNEST mentor- and what it means to be a. labeled and b. a successful mentor with NESTs and NNESTS
Week 4 (Feb 3 - Feb 9, 2014)
Moderator: Kyung-Hee
During this week, participants will
read selected articles on the assigned topic
participate in a synchronous and asynchronous online discussion on doing research on NNEST issues (Where to begin? Where to go? Where to share?, practical suggestions for graduate students on taking the first steps toward a professional life
learn how to write grants, funding, etc. and how to provide support NESTs/NNESTs professionally (Training, publications, conference presentations)
Invited guest speaker: Kyung-Hee Bae
Topic: Promoting professional growth for NNESTs: what does it mean (and what do we need) to become successful professionals/scholars?
Week 5 (Feb 10 -16, 2014)
Moderators: Nat and the rest of the NNEST-EVO Team
During this week participants will
- read selected articles on the assigned topic
- participate in a synchronous and asynchronous online discussion on the future of TESOL NNEST-IS
- suggest practical ways to raise awareness about NNESTs/NNESs issues
- brainstorm ideas about members' roles during and beyond TESOL convention(s)
- offer suggestions on building and implementing sustainable practices against unprofessional, discriminatory treatments of NESTs/NNESTs in the process of hiring/at the workplace
Invited guest speaker: Nathanael Rudolph, Ph.D.
Topic: Constructing and Approaching Native Speakerism in Glocalized ELT
In this session, the speaker will present the idea that native speakerism is constructed glocally, in the interplay of localized and globalized discourses identity. This native speakerism seeks to dictate who learners and users of English might be or become in a given context. In turn, the discourses of native speakerism attempt to define the roles teachers (whether "native" or "non-native") can and/or should play in a given context, effectively creating and eliminating space for different individuals. With such in mind, the speaker will open discussion related to how native speakerism might be addressed in the workplace and via professional activities. Please feel free to contact him at: njrudolph132@gmail.com
Aiden Yeh, Ph.D.
I'm a full-time Asst. Professor at Wenzao Ursuline University in Southern Taiwan. I teach creative writing and other ESP courses (Research Writing, Advertising & PR, Mass Media, and Cross-Cultural Communications, and English Language Teaching). I received my PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Birmingham, UK; my research focus was on the effective facilitation of teacher professional development for Taiwanese teachers in supplementary schools. For my Master’s degree (University of Surrey, UK), my research was in ELT Management investigating on the recruitment, training, and reward policies for EFL teachers at a kindergarten school in Southern Taiwan. I have published journal articles and book chapters on the following topics: NNESTs' Teacher Professional Development using online technology, blended learning, teaching and learning EFL, and poetic discourse. I'm a member of the Electronic Village Online Coordinating Team and have served the TESOL CALL-IS Steering Committee and the TESOL Technology Advisory Committee. I have also served as the NNEST-IS chair in 2010. I can be reached online via Skype: aidenyeh, Twitter: motherchina
Ali Fuad Selvi, Ph.D.

I’m a Visiting Assistant Professor in Teaching English as a Foreign Language program at Middle East Technical University, Northern Cyprus campus, where I teach a range of undergraduate and graduate-level courses in ELT. I obtained my PhD in Second Language Education and Culture from the University of Maryland. I’m also the current Chair of the Non-native English speakers in TESOL (NNEST) Interest Section in TESOL International. My research agenda encompasses the sociolinguistics of English language teaching with special emphasis on the global spread of English as an international language (EIL) and its implications for language learning, teaching, teacher education, and policy/planning, issues related to non-native English-speaking professionals in TESOL, second language teacher education (particularly teacher cognition, the notion of praxis and the interplay between SLA and pedagogy). My articles and reviews have appeared in scholarly journals such as TESOL Quarterly, Applied Linguistics, World Englishes, Language Teaching Research Journal, and ELT Journal, as well as in practitioner-oriented venues such as Essential Teacher, NNEST Interest Section Newsletter, and WATESOL Newsletter. My article entitled The Non-native Speaking Teacher was one of the ten most accessed articles by ELT Journal – Key Concepts in ELT readers in 2012 (vol. 65/2). Most recently, I have finished a co-authored book entitled Teaching English as an International Language (2013) that was published as part of the new English Language Teacher Education Series by TESOL Press.
I can be reached via e-mail, Twitter, Academia or Skype at alifuadselvi.
Liz England, Ph. D.
I'm a full-time Professor at Shenandoah University, where I teach Master's students in an online program in TESOL and EAP to undergraduate students (speech communication skills). I have taught in the United States, as well as The American University in Cairo (Egypt) 1984-86, 2001-05, Hong Kong Institute of Education (2005-06) and Alauddin Islamic University, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia (2012-13). I have done short-term consultancy projects in many countries, addressing teacher education, professional development, leadership skills development and curriculum revision and updating. I am author of journal articles, book chapters and books. My most recent publications include "Online Language Teacher Education: TESOL Perspectives" (Routledge, 2012) and "Reigniting, Retooling and Retiring for Language Teachers (University of Michigan Press, 2012). I am a frequent presenter at conferences, too. My professional travel has taken me to 30 countries worldwide, including: Afghanistan, Chile, Cuba, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Dubai, Egypt, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Kuwait, Macau, Malaysia, Mexico, Oman, Pakistan, Palestine, Russia, Senegal, Syria, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey and Venezuela.
I can be reached online via Skype: LizIndoELF and via e-mail at Lenglan2@su.edu
Katya Nemtchinova, Ph. D.
I am a Professor of TESOL and Russian at Seattle Pacific University, where I teach courses in linguistics, methodology of foreign language teaching, and Russian language, literature, and culture. My publications include the Russian listening and speaking textbook, Poslushajte! (University Press of the South, 2011), Teaching Listening (TESOL, 2013), and a number of articles on teacher education, the issues of nonnative English speaking TESOL professionals, and the use of technology in a language classroom. In 2007-2009 I served as Chair-Elect, Chair, Immediate Past Chair of Nonnative English Speakers in TESOL Caucus/Interest Section. I can be reached at katya@spu.edu ; my Skype name is katya.nemtchinova
Bedrettin Yazan

I am a doctoral candidate and graduate teaching assistant in the Second Language Education and Culture program at the University of Maryland, College Park. I am the current president of the WATESOL (Washington Area Teachers of English to the Speakers of Other Languages) NNEST Caucus and also serve as the editor of TESOL NNEST Interest Section Newsletter. My research interests include second language teacher identity, practicum practices of preservice ESOL teachers, second language learner motivation from poststructuralist perspective, and issues regarding accent and intelligibility in TESOL. I have been publishing my work in such venues as TESOL Quarterly, European Journal of Teacher Education, ELT Journal, International Journal of Inclusive Education, Working Papers in Educational Linguistics, TESOL NNEST Interest Section Newsletter, TESOL Applied Linguistics Interest Section Newsletter, TESOL Teacher Education Interest Section Newsletter and WATESOL Newsletter. I have been providing assistance for the professors who are designing and developing online teacher education courses for the MATESOL programs at the University of Maryland. I teach the following graduate and undergraduate courses: Understanding Cross-cultural Communication to Teach ELLs, Pedagogy of Teaching ELLs, Issues in the Education of ELLs, Teaching Academically, Culturally, and Linguistically Diverse Students in Secondary Education, and Embracing Diversity in Classroom Communities.
I can be reached at byazan@umd.edu or bedrettinyazan@gmail.com
Geeta Aneja

I am a doctoral candidate and graduate teaching assistant in the Educational Linguistics program at the University of Pennsylvania. I am currently an Editor-in-Chief of the Working Papers in Educational Linguistics. My research interests include identities of emerging "NNESTs", international graduate TAs' classroom experience and professional development, and motivations of heritage language learners in US higher education. I have published pieces in Language and Education, Anthropology in Education Quarterly, Working Papers in Educational Linguistics, and the TESOL NNEST Interest Section Newsletter. I have taught English in Peru, India, Hong Kong, and around the US. Recently, I have been working closely with a team of teachers to develop a practice-based program to introduce novice teachers to the English language classroom. I can be reached at ganeja@gse.upenn.edu.
Kyung-Hee Bae

I am the Associate Director of the Center for Written, Oral, and Visual Communication (CWOVC), as well as a lecturer in the Program for Writing and Communication at Rice University. I am also the in-coming Chair-Elect of the Non-native English-Speaking Teachers Interest Section (NNEST-IS). I have also served as the newsletter editor for NNEST-IS of TESOL and as the chair of the Awards Standing Committee of TESOL. My academic and research interests include writing in the disciplines (WID), second language writing, writing pedagogy and theory, genre theory and analysis, and writing center theory and practice. My recent publications include a chapter inGeneration 1.5 in College Composition: Teaching Academic Writing to U.S.-Educated Learners of ESL. I have designed, managed, and taught over 30 discipline-specific communication programs, which included instruction in different types of academic and professional writing and oral/visual presentations. I can be reached atkbae@rice.edu.
Nathanael Rudolph, Ph.D.

I am currently an Assistant Professor of TESOL in the Department of English at Mukogawa Women's University in Nishinomiya, Japan, where I teach courses related to English language instruction, English as an International Language, translinguistic and transcultural identity, and academic writing. My research interests include postmodern and post-structural approaches to language learner, user and teacher identity, language and power, "glocalized" language teaching, and worldviews and constructions of native speakerism. My most recent publications and presentations focus on native speakerism as glocally constructed in Japan, and how such native speakerism seeks to define who language learners, users and teachers of English might and/or should be or become in the Japanese context. I can be reached at njrudolph132@gmail.com.
Our Session Online Spaces
Google+ NNESTEVO2014 main environment for the group interaction, message board for announcements and discussions
Our Wiki: syllabus, weekly tasks, weekly discussion threads and tutorials
Join this session
Sign up for the session starts on Jan 6th, 2014 .
The action starts on Jan 13, 2014.
When you register for the group, you will have to be approved by the moderator in order to reduce the possibility of "unwanted" members (such as spammers).
The Electronic Village Online is a project of TESOL's CALL Interest Section.

Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, an international education association
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